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Cortisone Injections

ULTRASOUND GUIDED CORTISONE INJECTIONS You are welcome to give us a call on 07424762918 to book an appointment for Ultrasound Guided Steroid Injections in the joints.

Price £180 – It include pre scan consultation, scan, injection and Report.
Cortisone is used to treat a range of inflammatory conditions and can be injected into joints, bursae and tendons sheath for tenosynovitis, arthritis or gout.

We are not taking appointments for Cortisone Injections at the moment. We are only offering private Ultrasound Scan services. To Book an appointment for Private Scan You can call or book online

Ultrasound-guided cortisone injections allow the practitioner to visualise the needle in real time as it enters the body and traverses to the desired location. This assures that the steroid is accurately injected at the intended site. Despite good intentions, injections performed without ultrasound guidance are not 100% accurate and in some points accuracy is as low as 30%-40%. With ultrasound guidance the accuracy of nearly every joint injection exceeds 90% and approaches 100% in many. Additionally, ultrasound guided injections have been shown to be less painful than blind injections. Ultrasound injections also have the plus point of giving real time feedback.

  • Ultrasound has no radiation.
  • Ultrasound allows us to visualise the bony joint as well as all of the muscles, tendons and ligaments. Moving the ultrasound probe the practitioner can visualise what may be in the path of the needle and avoid any unwanted complications before they happen.
  • Ultrasound is able to identify fluid better than conventional radiographs and can see fluid that may have accumulated in and around joints, tendons, muscles, nerves and other soft-tissue structures.

Ultrasound-guided injections have been extensively studied and have been found to have very few complications.The risks associated with these procedures are the same as any type of injection: incomplete reduction of pain, bleeding, damage to surrounding structures and infection. The overall risks for injections are very low and the use of ultrasound guidance may further reduce some of these risks. Ultrasound is beneficial when performing injections in the knee, shoulder and hip; as well as many other structures throughout the body.

Services We Offer

Common areas to inject are



Ankle tendon sheath or ganglion

Ankle tendon sheath or ganglion

Hip bursa or joint

Hip bursa or joint

Intermetatarsal bursa

Intermetatarsal bursa

Knee joint

Knee joint

Morton’s Neuroma

Morton’s Neuroma


A corticosteroid injection offers pain relief from inflammatory signs, such as joint pain or soft tissue pain, swelling, and joint stiffness. These may, in turn, help you to return to normal activities/hobbies.

Ultrasound Guided Steroid Injections allow the clinician to visualize the needle and needle tip in real-time as it enters the body and navigate the needle to the treatment area accurately. This assures that the medication is accurately injected at the source of symptoms site. 

Beforehand, the procedure will be explained to you, Side effects, risks, and benefits will be discussed. You will be given an opportunity to discuss any other questions or concerns you may have. 

When injected into a joint or muscle, steroids reduce redness and swelling (inflammation) in the nearby area. This can help relieve pain and stiffness.

Cortisone can take a few days to start to have an effect and will continue working to decrease inflammation for up to 6 months.

Traditionally, cortisone injections have been performed ‘blind’ which means doctors have been looking at and feeling anatomical landmarks on people’s bodies to guide their injections. Once the needle is in the body, they can’t see it but are guided by feeling the body and their knowledge of anatomy.

However, with the advances made in ultrasound imaging over the last few decades, doctors and allied health professionals have been able to visualize the area to be injected as well as the needle by using ultrasound. Studies have shown this method to be more accurate, effective and efficacious for patients.

Pain relief from a cortisone injection varies greatly from person to person. Some people get excellent relief from one injection. The efficacy of the injection depends on the presenting problem, the severity of symptoms, the accuracy of the injection and the individual’s response to cortisone. In general, a successful injection will suppress local inflammation for between 6 weeks to 8 months.
It is possible to have more than one injection if your referring practitioner feels is an appropriate course of action. Oftentimes people get some relief from one injection but need a second to really get on top of their symptoms.

Most people can have steroid injections but you will need a referral from your doctor or Allied health professional in order to book for an appointment. You can see our GPs here if you wish.

Situations that may exclude you from receiving a cortisone injection include:

  • Previous allergic reaction to steroid
  • Current infection anywhere in your body
  • Being pregnant, breastfeeding or trying to get pregnant
  • Uncontrolled diabetes or hypertension
  • Taking strong anticoagulant
  • Immunocompromised people
  • Have recently or are about to have any vaccination.

There potential side effects after a cortisone injection. You won’t necessarily get any of these but they include

  • Warm flushing of the face for a few hours
  • Elevated blood sugar for a few days – important to be aware of this if you have diabetes.
  • Elevated blood pressure for a few days – important to be aware of this if you have hypertension.
  • You may have some pain or a small bruise at the site of injection.

There potential side effects after a co

Most people can but if you have a foot or ankle injection, we advise you to bring a driver with you to take you home, if you were able to drive to your injection appointment, you should be able to drive afterwords but you will need to wait at our clinic for 20 minutes after the injection before driving to ensure you don’t have any adverse reaction to the medication.


rtisone injection. You won’t necessarily get any of these but they include

  • Warm flushing of the face for a few hours
  • Elevated blood sugar for a few days – important to be aware of this if you have diabetes.
  • Elevated blood pressure for a few days – important to be aware of this if you have hypertension.
  • You may have some pain or a small bruise at the site of injection.

Cortisone takes a few days to start working so you may not feel better straight away. In order to give the medication the best chance of working for you, it’s a good idea to rest the area that was injected for at least 3 days. This does not mean you can’t use it but aim to minimize unnecessary strain such as repetitive movements, heavy lifting, excessive walking or anything is known to aggravate the area.

There is no need to completely stop using the limp or area that was injected. Just take it easy

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We are not taking appointments for Cortisone Injections at the moment. We are only offering private Ultrasound Scan services. To Book an appointment for Private Scan You can call or book online