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Gallbladder Ultrasound – What to Expect and How it is Performed?

Ultrasound Scans
Gallbladder Ultrasound in Glasgow

An ultrasound is a diagnostic procedure that uses sound waves and is also the most preferable. Unlike X-rays, an ultrasound does not use high-frequency radiation, which makes it a perfect choice for pregnancy. It does not cause any harm to the mother and the fetus inside the womb. 

The sound waves go inside the body and provide real-time images and videos of internal organs. A transducer is used to get the images on the computer screen. But ultrasound scan is not only for pregnancy screening, but it is also beneficial to diagnose other diseases and health conditions. When you experience symptoms related to specific internal body organs, your healthcare provider can ask for an abdomen ultrasound to view the internal body functions. 

Gallbladder is your internal body organ that stores and concentrates the bile from your liver. When it does not function properly, you may experience some symptoms. Gallstones can cause blockage, it may cause serious health complications, and bring on different symptoms. Your doctor may order a gallbladder ultrasound to find out the causing factor. 

What are the Symptoms of Abnormal Gallbladder Function?

Gallstones may not cause any signs earlier, but when they cause blockage, it causes some different symptoms, such as:

  • It causes pain in the mod to upper-right section of your abdomen
  • Have fever or Chills
  • Experience stool abnormality
  • Discolored urine
  • Chronic disease causes acid reflux or gas that leads to nausea or vomiting
  • Have chronic diarrhea
  • Jaundice

If gallstones are reasons for abnormal function, they may cause the following signs:

  • You may feel rapid and intensifying pain in the center of your abdomen
  • Pain in your right shoulder
  • Pain in the back between your shoulder blades
  • Vomiting or nausea

How to Diagnose the Cause?

Gallbladder is a pear-shaped body organ that is located under the liver and stores bile. Bile is a digestive enzyme that breaks down fat. Some factors can cause the blockage and bring on symptoms like intensifying pain, nausea, vomiting, etc.

Your healthcare provider can suspect the condition by your symptoms. An ultrasound can help to see if the bile is not passing properly or is blocked by gallstones. It causes pain in your shoulder and back. It also helps to check if the pancreas is enlarged and causing health complications. According to NCBI, a gallbladder ultrasound has a 90% accuracy rate.

There is no radiation in ultrasound, but it involves sound waves, which makes it a harmless diagnostic procedure. 

What to Expect during Gallbladder Ultrasound?

A technician or your healthcare provider may suggest some preparations before an ultrasound. You may need to avoid eating and heavy fluid intake for 8 hours before the imaging test. It is important to discuss with your doctor about the preparations as it will help you to get clear test results. 

If there is undigested food, it can cause blur results that will make it hard for your healthcare provider to detect the causing factor. Make sure you wear loose clothes when going for an ultrasound as it will be more comfortable for you. 

Your technician can also ask you to wear a hospital gown, as it helps to get a complete view of the abdomen without interruption. 

How A Gallbladder Ultrasound is Performed?

It is performed on your abdomen area. A technician or a healthcare provider will apply a gel on your abdomen that helps a transducer to move back and forth. Once you will be asked to lie down face up, your technician will use a transducer to send and receive the sound waves inside your body. 

It helps to get clear images of your internal body organs and gives a view of the shape and size of the gallbladder. If gallstones are causing severe symptoms, your doctor may need to perform surgery.

A gallbladder ultrasound is a non-invasive and pain-free diagnostic procedure that provides detailed real-time images. Being overweight or having intestine gas can cause interference in ultrasound results and cause blur images. To get a more detailed view, your healthcare provider can ask for some other tests. It takes only 20 to 30 minutes to perform this imaging test. After the test, you do not need to wait as you can continue your daily activities.


A gallbladder ultrasound can help to diagnose if gallstones are blocking the bile flow and causing serious health problems. If you experience the above symptoms, visit your healthcare provider as untreated gallstones can put you at high risk of health complications. Intestine gas or obesity can give unclear results. You should follow the preparations and avoid eating for 8 to 10 hours before your ultrasound because undigested food can give blur ultrasound results. At RIZ Ultrasound, we use advanced technology to perform Gallbladder Ultrasound in Glasgow. You can get our help and our professionals will come up with the best solutions.

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