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How Hip Ultrasound Help in the Evaluation of Different Hip Injuries?

Ultrasound Scans
Hip Ultrasound Scan

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People often consider hip injuries common in elderly individuals, but athletes and members who play other sports are more likely to experience them. It can occur at any age, depending on the causing factor and how you perform a physical activity. A fall from height or having an accident can put you at high risk of hip injury. There are multiple types of hip injuries you may experience. 

Doctors perform different imaging tests to evaluate the condition. A Hip Ultrasound helps to see the soft tissues and the surrounding area. It helps them to see what type of injury it is and what treatment is suitable. 

In this article, we will help you learn what are the most common hip injuries and the key role of a hip ultrasound. 

Types of Hip Injuries 

A fall or an accident can cause multiple types of hip injuries, including:


Sports injuries include contusions and are more common in athletes. Contusion ranges from mild to severe. In severe cases, it causes more damage to soft tissues. Such a condition can bring on multiple symptoms, such as:

  • Bluish discoloration of the affected area
  • Stiffening of the Injured Muscle
  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Development of a lump 

Muscle Strain

One of the most common injuries is muscle strain. It occurs due to a partial or complete tear-up of muscles. People who play sports are more likely to experience such types of injuries. The most common sports that can increase the muscle strain risk are long jumping, hurdling, running, boxing, wrestling, football, etc.

The symptoms of muscle strain are:

  • Swelling
  • Pain
  • Bruising
  • Muscle cramps
  • Muscle weakness
  • Muscle Spasm

A hip ultrasound helps to get detailed imaging results of injuries in tendons and muscles, according to NCBI.

Loose Bodies

They are cartilage or bone fragments that flee within the synovial fluid of the hip joint. The most common causes of loose bodies are osteoarthritis, injury, and rheumatoid arthritis. 

You can experience the following symptoms:

  • Grinding sensation
  • Pain
  • Joint swelling

You can prevent this type of injury by safely playing a sport. A twist can cause this type of injury. Make sure you wear safety kits and avoid falls. 


It is a joint condition that causes inflammation and joint pain. The pain intensity depends on the condition as it can be acute and chronic. Multiple types of arthritis can be developed, such as osteoarthritis. Some of the common causes of arthritis are aging, genetic factors, obesity, joint trauma, an underlying condition, etc. You can experience the following symptoms:

  • Stiffness
  • Joint pain
  • Atypically shaped joints
  • Swelling in the joints
  • Joint weakness


When people do forceful movement of the head of the thigh bone, it can result in the dislocation of a bone. Two types of dislocation can occur, anterior dislocation and posterior dislocation. 

When you have a fall or accident that results in hip bone dislocation, you may experience the following symptoms: 

  • Inability to move the leg
  • Severe pain
  • Inability to feel sensation in the ankle area or the foot

Hip Instability

Unsteadiness of the hip joint can occur with or without the appearance of the symptoms. Athletes are at risk of hip instability. Some sports that increase its risk are gymnastics, skating, tennis, golf, baseball, etc. A hip ultrasound helps to get clear imaging results to see abnormalities in the affected area. Your doctor may ask for other imaging tests to learn more about the damage. 

The Key Role of Hip Ultrasound 

An ultrasound is a non-invasive, pain-free, and quick diagnostic technique that helps to get real-time images of internal body structure. When you feel pain or have an accident and cannot move your leg, doctors will perform a physical examination. A hip ultrasound is a primary imaging test that a healthcare provider performs to see the abnormalities. Sonography involves sound waves that produce images of tendons, ligaments, bones, soft tissues, joints, and muscles. RIZ Ultrasound also uses advanced equipment to produce clear and quality images.


Hip injuries are common in people who play sports and perform high-impact physical activities. An accident or a fall can also cause fractures or other types of damage. A hip ultrasound is beneficial when it comes to producing real-time images of internal body structure. Doctors use sonography to view abnormalities in the hip area and also utilize it to perform other procedures. You can get quality ultrasound services at RIZ Ultrasound in Glasgow. We have a team of experts who provide accurate imaging results. Book your appointment now and get quality ultrasound services at unbeatable rates!

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