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How to Deal with Your Shoulder Pain?

Ultrasound Scans
Shoulder Ultrasound in Glasgow

Your shoulder can move in a wide range of motion. Some causes can lead to shoulder pain and hurt when you move it. An accident or an injury may cause moderate to severe pain. A referred pain may also lead to shoulder discomfort. It happens when you feel pain in one part of your body, which can affect the shoulder area.

An expert in Shoulder Ultrasound in Glasgow says that an underlying condition can affect different parts of the body or weaken your bones. One of the most common conditions that can cause damage to the shoulder is arthritis.

A shoulder is a ball and socket joint that contains three bones. Cartilage is the layer on bones that cushions them and prevents the rubbing of bones. When this layer becomes weak, it may cause damage to bones when they move. Aging is the most common factor that puts you at high risk of weak bones. To diagnose the cause, your doctor may perform a Shoulder Ultrasound

The most mobile joint in your body is the shoulder joint, which helps to move it back and forth. It supports your arm to move in a circular motion. 

We understand that shoulder pain can cause serious discomfort. In this article, we will learn how you can diagnose the cause and what treatment you need to deal with this pain. 

What are the Causes of Shoulder Pain?

Many causes can cause pain in your shoulder. Referred pain can cause discomfort in the area of your shoulder. For example, if you have pain in the chest then it may affect the shoulder area. 

Some common injuries that cause pain in the shoulder are:

Fracture – Aging can weaken your bones and joints. It puts you at risk of fracture. A fall or accident can result in a broken collarbone. An unhealthy diet can also lead to weak bones.

Cartilage Tear – Some accidents can damage the cartilage layer that cushions your bones and joints. Moving your joint over and over again in the same direction can tear the cartilage layer between your bones. 

Frozen Shoulder – A condition that limits the movement of your shoulder. When there is a buildup of abnormal bands of muscles, it affects the movement of your shoulder.

Bursitis – When a person moves a shoulder or arm in a similar direction for a long, it leads to a swollen bursa and also limits the movement of the shoulder. 

Osteoarthritis – A condition that occurs due to overuse of similar movement of a joint. This can lead to the degeneration of joint cartilage and cause pain when you move your shoulder again.

Rheumatoid Arthritis – It is the inflammation of your joints that affects mobility and causes pain when you try to move it. 

Rotator cuff tendinitis is also a condition that occurs due to swollen tendons. Some conditions can cause more pain when you move your shoulder or due to arm movement. However, a shoulder ultrasound can help in the assessment of rotator cuff tendinitis, according to NCBI.

Some other diseases or conditions may also cause shoulder pain. A heart attack is a condition that brings on multiple symptoms, including shoulder pain. But it can come with other symptoms, such as pressure on your chest, difficulty while breathing, pain in the left arm, nausea, etc.

Note: Get medical help if you experience such symptoms.

How to Diagnose the Cause of Shoulder Pain?

When you visit a healthcare provider to get treatment, a physical checkup is the first step to learning about the causing factor. In addition, a shoulder ultrasound scan is also a first-line screening test that helps to see the internal structure. Having an injury indicates a fracture or swollen surrounding tissues of bones. 

Unlikely X-rays and other imaging tests, a shoulder ultrasound helps to view abnormalities in soft tissues around the joints, muscles, and bone. Your doctor may ask for other imaging tests to get a detailed view of your bones and joints. 

What are the Shoulder Pain Treatments?

Treatment depends on the causing factor. First, healthcare providers need to find out the root cause. If an underlying condition is causing pain in the shoulder, your healthcare provider will treat it, which can help to reduce the appearance of its symptoms, like joint pain. An injury, a fracture, or a dislocation of a bone takes time to heal, but your doctor will share some instructions to reduce the pain in the shoulder. 

To deal with inflammation of the joint, you can follow some home remedies. These effective ways include heat or cold compression. First, you need cold compression to suppress the pain. After a few days, you can use heat compression to increase the health process. These tips can help to manage your shoulder pain. You may also take OTC to deal with pain and inflammation only if your doctor asks. 

You also need to avoid weight lifting or heavy exercise programs when your bones or joints are in the healing process. 


If you have shoulder pain, then visit your doctor to diagnose the causing factor. Healthcare experts ask you to not use any home remedy without the permission of your doctor. Some broken bones may be treated with medicines and rest. But a few may need surgery to get fixed. 

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